More Plenums/Throttle Bodies


Here are pictures of a BGC plenum and a Kenne-Bell plenum that have been reworked and polished by John Perrins, aka The Radius Kid, for Brian Weaver.  John's polishing puts my powder coating to shame.

On the left is a 70 mm AccuFab throttle body that has been mated to a BGC plenum.  The BGC was originally made for a 62 mm throttle body, but, John has opened the throat to match the 70 mm AccuFab.

On the right is a Kenne Bell 70 mm plenum that has been equipped with a 65 mm AccuFab throttle body.  The plenum end of the 65 mm throttle body has been flared to match the 70 mm plenum.

Note that the BGC plenum started life as the usual rough casting and has been given the polish job by John.  He also repolished and cleaned up the KB unit so that it looks brand new once again.  This work obviously took some time.


Here is the 70 mm throttle body on the BGC plenum.  Note that throttle blade has been knife edged and the shaft has been thinned to improve flow.  Looking further rearward, one can see that the the plenum has been opened up to match the throttle body.  It cannot be seen from this view but the plenum has been radiused to improve distribution.

This is the 65 mm body mounted on the 70 mm K-B plenum.  Again note that blade is knife edged and the shaft thinned to promote flow.  One can see that the rear of the body has been radiused to increase from 65 mm in the front to 70 in the rear for a perfect match with the plenum.  John has also radiused the plenum on this one as well.

Some beautiful, meticulous work.  Looks like John more than lives up to his nick name.